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Energy is speeding up! Can you feel it? Changing energetic frequencies can affect your mood, vitality, motivation, and overall well-being more than you know. Think about it: Since 2007 and the introduction of the smartphone, technology is increasing at compounding rates. Information (both facts and fiction) spreads instantaneously around the world upon publication, people communicate […]

Simple Practices to Connect with Your Highest Self

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If you are feeling a weird sense of urgency combined with an awkward hesitation or reservation, you’ve got that in-between & stuck energy that some of us are experiencing; especially those of us who are seekers, searchers and longing to grow, heal and evolve. As I mentioned previously in my “Feeling Stuck” blog, “stuck” indicates […]

Intuititve Development Practices

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Use it to your highest advantage. Many of us are experiencing some stagnation and confusion these days. Often, feeling “stuck” indicates a time of integrating shifts in our priorities and perspectives {contradictory to what it actually feels like}. When our inner inspiration, motivation, and meaning changes, or “evolves,” it often takes a while for our […]

Feeling Stuck?

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Focus on yourSelf, your personal needs, healing, and overall well-being, then you will find yourself showing up more fully present for the people and experiences in your life. Slowing down and noticing resentments and frustrations is an indicator of where you experience resistance in your life. If you can recognize it, you can shift or […]


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In other words:    I Am available for ____________. Not clear on Your answer(s)? START HERE:What are you no longer available for? In other words: I Am no longer available for ____________. Now more than ever, it’s imperative to clarify what’s in the rearview, paying it respectful homage as part of your experience. Then, mindfully open […]

What are you available for?

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Meaningful Interactions | Re-Cognizing Consciousness Shifts | Parallel Timelines The times, they are a-changin’ -Bob Dylan Shifts in perspective and interpersonal dynamics may arise in the form of evolving beliefs and values.  In closing out 2021, spend some quality time assessing and re-defining your beliefs core values. You may or may not be surprised by […]

Soulfully Emerging from the 2020-2021 Hangover

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  SUFFER | CLARIFY | STRATEGIZE   Be still. Listen to the wisdom of your heart …after your emotional outbursts.   Recognize when you become mentally, emotionally, physically & energetically bogged down. Narrow down multiple-trajectory outlooks, and aim to simplify. Ask: Is my heart in this? Allow the “heck yes” or “heck no” guide the […]

What’s Your Endgame?

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Calling All Rabble Rousers!#quitplayingsmall     This month asks us if we will choose the familiarity of fear, chaos, and resistance {internal & external}, or take a leap of faith into accelerated consciousness and personal freedom.  It’s your time to choose something uncharted, dynamic, and bold while leaving behind anything keeping you in fear, disease, […]

Choosing Faith Over Fear

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Support in consciously navigating & harnessing August 2021. Buckle up! AUGUST 2021 INTENTION I AM open to acknowledging, processing and healing any limitations creating burden, stress or restriction in my life.  I stand firmly in the belief of my unprecedented ability to harness my skill-sets in building a stable foundation, sustainably supporting security, well-being and […]

August 2021 Divine Timing, Tools & Tips

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Are you leading the edge of your life? The more intentional you are in the personal presence you cultivate, the greater your empowerment to evolve and be a trailblazer, personally and universally.    Humanity is on the precipice of an auspicious time where the possibility of unlocking the dormant potential for inspired creative self-expression, spontaneity, […]

Are You Leading Your Edge?