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We all have intuition. It’s the source of that gut feeling something is or isn’t right or that you should or shouldn’t do something; your inner knowing helping you navigate life. Having a strong intuition helps you connect better with your highest self / your soul, have a deeper trust in your decisions, and develop […]

a woman holding up an oracle car practicing her intuition development

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We all have the gift of intuition. As human beings, we have extrasensory abilities; however, some of us are more developed than others. There are different ways of experiencing your intuition (the intuition types). You may feel things, see things, simply know things, or smell or taste things. These are known as the Clairs – […]

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If you are feeling a weird sense of urgency combined with an awkward hesitation or reservation, you’ve got that in-between & stuck energy that some of us are experiencing; especially those of us who are seekers, searchers and longing to grow, heal and evolve. As I mentioned previously in my “Feeling Stuck” blog, “stuck” indicates […]