The stakes are high in 2025 — a year of instability, endings, change, opportunity for transformation, and soul-aligned action. This must-have guide is your key to navigating the intense energy with discernment, conscious momentum, and soulful direction. Don’t wait — get your guidebook now for $29.99 and master your energy throughout this pivotal year!
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Discover and activate the profound power of your point of attraction in 90 second bursts of time each morning and evening.
Jam-packed full of crystals and their uses, organized by category and products linked, finally understand how to utilize crystals in your everyday life.
Amanda & Sarah share bite-sized, relatable ways YOU can practice intuition in your daily life - trusting the universe has got your back.
Try not to lose faith during difficult times – know that everything has meaning which will be revealed when you seek in Divine timing.
Learn to focus on connecting with yourself, and how you're truly feeling in order to find clarity and more authentic connections.