5D Consciousness: What It Is & How to Tap into This Higher Frequency


In the spiritual awakening journey, many seekers hear about 5D consciousness—a term that signifies a shift into higher awareness, unity, and unconditional love. But what does it really mean? And more importantly, how can you align with this frequency in your daily life?

This blog will help you understand the 1st through the 5th dimensions and how to access, integrate and sustain 5D frequencies to create greater ease, abundance, flow, harmony and experiences beyond your wildest imagination.

What Is 5D Consciousness?

5D (or Fifth Dimensional) consciousness is a state of being rather than a physical place. It represents a vibrational shift beyond the limitations of the 3D and 4D realms. Ideally, integration of the 1st through 5th dimensional energies is the aim.

To best conceptualize the dimensional energies, it’s best to have working knowledge of each one. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions are physical planes of existence, whereas the 4th, 5th and higher dimensions are non-physical.

1D: The 1st Dimension and Consciousness is the vibrational frequency of the Earth and harmonized with the iron core crystal at the center of our planet. The iron core crystal at Earth’s center is the literal space and representation of the 1st Dimension. Seismic studies indicate the iron core crystal is larger than our Moon and hotter than our Sun. It is the anchor point for Earth in our Solar System. Think of the 1st Dimension as the tether keeping Earth and it’s inhabitants in place. It is quite literally our center of gravity. 

2D: The 2nd Dimension and Consciousness or what is often referred to as the Teluric realm. The physical space of the 2nd dimension includes the strata and mineral rich layers from the iron core crystal to the surface of the Earth. From the surface of Earth to the iron core crystal spans approximately 1800 miles in depth. The Tuluric realm or 2nd dimension is the source of life on our planet composed of hundreds of thousands of years of biology, intelligence and evolution. Think of this dimension like fertilizer and the library or storehouse of intelligence on our planet.  

3D: The 3rd Dimension and Consciousness is the Earth’s surface and all of material reality—duality, fear, ego, and survival-based thinking, thus the 3rd dimension is both a physical plane of existence, yet it is also experiential in nature as it encompasses a thought-plane of existence and survival. The 3rd dimension is necessary and indispensable in that it is transactional in nature and has taught us how to survive, work, earn, and get what we need. 

4D: The 4th Dimension and Consciousness is the bridge where people awaken, clear karma, and begin transcending linear time. This dimension encompasses thoughts and feelings. It is the mental and emotional energy from every individual and sentient being on this planet. Think of 4D like multiple radio stations playing simultaneously and add in emotions. It’s a dance of cohesive and incohesive frequencies and singles. The more we incorporate 5D energy, the more cohesive 4D will become.

5D: The 5th Dimension and Consciousness is the frequency field of oneness, love, and divine flow—a realm where time is fluid, manifestation is instantaneous, and we experience deep inner peace and connection to Source. It’s incredibly magnificent and most of us only access this energy for seconds or minutes at a time.

Think of a time when you first fell in love, received a divine message from a loved one who passed, experienced an amazing synchronicity or “aha moment.” That’s 5D! Another simple example is receiving an act of kindness out of the blue from someone unsolicited. We have all “felt” it; however, accessing this in the ordinary or mundane world and sustaining it is the aim and it is accessible to us all. 

As you become aware of 5D frequencies and actively engage with them, you will turn ordinary experiences into Extraordinary experiences more easily and frequently. 

When you shift into 5D consciousness, your energetic frequency increases, and you begin to:

✔ Experience life through unconditional love and unity rather than separation

✔ Align with synchronicities, acceleration and effortless manifestation

✔ Access psychic gifts, telepathy and multidimensional awareness

✔ Let go of and heal fear, ego-driven struggles, and karmic cycles on a personal and deep cellular level

✔ Live in higher purpose, service, and joy

✔ Bring more light into your physical body, becoming a channel of light, inspiration and service to those around you and humanity

How do we move from 3D & 4D into 5D consciousness?

How do we move from 3D & 4D into 5D consciousness?

Practices to Tap Into 5D Frequency

1. Recognize 3D & 4D energy

By becoming more still, cognizant of your thoughts, emotions and actions, you will cultivate an awareness of the nuances between 3D and 4D. Remember, 3D is transactional, often fear or ego based (your motives coming from survival, fight, flight or sheer human will). The 4D energy is the mental chatter and emotional fluctuations that often are the jet fuel behind our 3D instincts.

Get honest and act like an observer rather than imposing judgment. 

Think of a time in the recent past when your motivations were coming from fear. 

“If I don’t get this or if I loose this I am afraid of ___________ (fill in your blank).” 

We all do this and most of the time don’t even recognize that our motivations and actions are driven from a fear of loss or not getting what we want.

Be the observer and start to notice (keeping a journal is very helpful and will reveal some deep-seated fears that your unconscious mind is operating from; usually developed in childhood or are present in your cells and DNA from eons ago). Through this, you will cultivate greater awareness and discernment of your frequencies and the energy of your interactions, environments and relationships. 

Practice makes progress! 

2. Activate Your Heart Center

5D is accessed through the heart, not the mind. This means shifting from ego-based thinking to love-based being.

5D Consciousness Practice and Activation:

    •    Daily heart coherence meditation: Place your hands on your heart, breathe deeply, and radiate gratitude.

    •    Engage in acts of kindness and compassion—this attunes your vibration to unity.

    •    Choose to heal or let go of judgment and practice radical acceptance of yourself and others.

3. Embody Light Codes & Solar Frequencies

We are constantly receiving light codes from the cosmos, assisting us in our 5D evolution. Solar flares, full & new moons, and cosmic portals (like the 8/8 Lionsgate) provide energetic upgrades.

Simple Practices to use regularly:

    •    Spend time in the sun and visualize golden light entering your DNA. 

I have a Solar Meditation to help guide you through this easily.

    •    Work with crystalline frequencies (like selenite or moldavite) to raise your vibration.

Check out my Crystals 101 & I forget the name of the second Podcast 

Get my free crystal guide to find crystals to help you in various areas of healing and 5D

    •    Drink structured water or charge your water with intentions.

Use my “Water Meditation” to charge your water and create high-frequency energy

4. Create Vibrational Alignment and Cohesion

In 5D, manifestation happens effortlessly when we maintain high-frequency states. Instead of chasing or forcing, we align.


  • Tune into joy and playfulness—laughter instantly raises vibration.
  • Listen to 528 Hz or 963 Hz frequencies to activate higher states.
  • Speak out loud and in your heart high-vibe intentions, prayers & affirmations  (“I am love. I am in divine flow. Peace is my natural state. Joy flows through and to me.”).
  • Talk to your guides, Higher Self, angels and loved ones on the other side regularly; invite them in to support and uplift your path

5. Dissolve the Illusion of Time

5D operates beyond linear time. The more you detach from past and future, the more you enter divine flow.


  • Use present-moment awareness (breathwork, sensory focus, mindfulness).
  • Work with timelines: Visualize shifting into your highest reality NOW.
  • Embrace surrender—let go of rigid expectations and trust divine timing.

6. Open Your Psychic Channels & Multidimensional Awareness

5D consciousness expands your ability to communicate with higher realms, guides, and your Higher Self.


  • Automatic writing/journaling: Channel higher guidance through intuitive journaling.
  • Third-eye activation: Meditate, visualizing your third eye chakra to awaken inner sight.
  • Dreamwork: Keep a dream journal and ask for 5D guidance before sleeping.

7. Transcend Fear & Embrace Unity Consciousness

5D is beyond duality. This means stepping out of fear-based programming and recognizing that all is divine.


  • Replace fear-based thoughts with trust and neutrality.
  • Cultivate inner peace through daily meditation and grounding.
  • See every challenge as a lesson for expansion, not an obstacle.
  • Be of service with no strings attached. Practice acts of kindness.

Final Thoughts: Tapping into 5D Daily as a way of life

Tapping into 5D consciousness is a practice, a way of being, a lifestyle and a commitment to living as your Higher Self in every moment. The more you practice the easier it will be to come into cohesion with 5D when you encounter limiting circumstances (and for the time being, you will because we are activating and integrating this energy).

The key is frequency.

When you live in love, joy, and expansion, you naturally shift into 5D.

Ask yourself daily:

  • Am I choosing love or fear?
  • Am I flowing or resisting?
  • Am I aligned with my highest self?

The more you practice, the more 5D becomes your new normal—where life is abundant, synchronicities unfold effortlessly, and you feel deeply connected to Source, your guides, and your divine purpose.