The stakes are high in 2025 — a year of instability, endings, change, opportunity for transformation, and soul-aligned action. This must-have guide is your key to navigating the intense energy with discernment, conscious momentum, and soulful direction. Don’t wait — get your guidebook now for $29.99 and master your energy throughout this pivotal year!
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Uncover and inspire your soul potential with Amanda’s guidance, insights, and resources to support you in awakening your innate brilliance
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In numerology, a Personal Year represents the energy and themes that will influence your life during a specific year. It’s part of a 9-year cycle, where each year brings a different focus and set of opportunities for personal growth, challenges, and development. Understanding your Personal Year helps you align with the natural flow of life […]
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Amanda Rieger Green is a world-renowned psychic medium, spiritual intuitive and wellness leader. Over the past decade, Amanda Rieger Green, MPH has consulted for thousands of clients including Fortune 500 companies, CEOs, world leaders, government officials, communities, institutions, and seekers from all walks of life looking for spiritual connection and a path forward in their […]
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In other words: I Am available for ____________. Not clear on Your answer(s)? START HERE:What are you no longer available for? In other words: I Am no longer available for ____________. Now more than ever, it’s imperative to clarify what’s in the rearview, paying it respectful homage as part of your experience. Then, mindfully open […]
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Meaningful Interactions | Re-Cognizing Consciousness Shifts | Parallel Timelines The times, they are a-changin’ -Bob Dylan Shifts in perspective and interpersonal dynamics may arise in the form of evolving beliefs and values. In closing out 2021, spend some quality time assessing and re-defining your beliefs core values. You may or may not be surprised by […]
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SUFFER | CLARIFY | STRATEGIZE Be still. Listen to the wisdom of your heart …after your emotional outbursts. Recognize when you become mentally, emotionally, physically & energetically bogged down. Narrow down multiple-trajectory outlooks, and aim to simplify. Ask: Is my heart in this? Allow the “heck yes” or “heck no” guide the […]
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Calling All Rabble Rousers!#quitplayingsmall This month asks us if we will choose the familiarity of fear, chaos, and resistance {internal & external}, or take a leap of faith into accelerated consciousness and personal freedom. It’s your time to choose something uncharted, dynamic, and bold while leaving behind anything keeping you in fear, disease, […]
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Support in consciously navigating & harnessing August 2021. Buckle up! AUGUST 2021 INTENTION I AM open to acknowledging, processing and healing any limitations creating burden, stress or restriction in my life. I stand firmly in the belief of my unprecedented ability to harness my skill-sets in building a stable foundation, sustainably supporting security, well-being and […]
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Are you leading the edge of your life? The more intentional you are in the personal presence you cultivate, the greater your empowerment to evolve and be a trailblazer, personally and universally. Humanity is on the precipice of an auspicious time where the possibility of unlocking the dormant potential for inspired creative self-expression, spontaneity, […]
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Your cosmic road map for consciously navigating and harnessing July’s energies. JULY 2021 INTENTION I AM a divine channel of genuine self-expression, impeccable communication, willingness to connect with myself and others in the integrity of my brilliant mind, body, and spirit. I take ownership of my empowered ability to create joyful experiences and interactions for […]
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When I point one finger, three-point back at me. People can be your greatest source of Self-education; it’s all a matter of your willingness to pay attention to what others stir within you. June is a month for self-discovery through relationships, deepening faith, and developing intuition.