September 17th is not only a full moon in Pisces, but also a lunar eclipse AND a supermoon! The full moon is a potent time to align with cosmic energies and work through our karmic lessons. Get the Full Moon Ceremony Guide to create a personalized ceremony to work with the energy of each full moon, and read our Full Moon Blog to learn how to work with the Pisces energy!

The next Full Moon is September 17th! Get Your Full Moon Ceremony Guide Now!

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Soul Sessions: Exploring the Magic of September: The Most Powerful Month in Numerology

September is the Capstone Month in numerology which means it is the month when the numerology for your Personal Year and Personal Month coincide, providing powerful energy and profound potential. This month is a culmination, a crescendo, a critical point, and a doubling down of the energy numerologically.

September is an 8-universal month, in an 8-universal year which means the energy is amplified this month with the 88 code. It is a time for getting clear, taking practical action, embracing quality over quantity, and navigating the balance of empowerment and disempowerment. 

The 8-energy calls for exploration of inner richness- get serious about finding your passion, your motivation, and your meaning. You reap what you sow this year, so focus on your inner sovereignty instead of outer chaos. Take time to feel your feelings, find your courage, and then take action. Develop a deep resolve and resiliency and embrace the call within your soul. You are uniquely and divinely made to evolve, heal and grow. This month is a time for taking responsibility and then reaching for the stars. 

Amanda breaks down the significance of your personal year/month code and what to pay attention to this month (read more about the characteristics here): 

1: Initiation, individuality, new beginnings

2: Balance, harmony, relationships

3: Creativity, expression, communication

4: Structure, stability, foundation

5: Freedom, adventure, change

6: Love, nurturing, responsibility

7: Spirituality, introspection, wisdom

8: Power, leadership, abundance

9: Completion, transformation, spiritual awakening

This is a beautiful month for growth, clarity, awakening, & awareness. Whatever adjustments you make will have a ripple effect in the months ahead and it will propel you forward. 

Focus on the bigger picture & stay on your Eagle’s Perch, friends! Shed your old skin and live in your highest integrity. Ask your higher soul and guides for help – the more you ask, the more you receive. Trust you have the resources that will guide you through! 

Read more about September’s Capstone Numerology and the 8-Universal Year on Amanda’s Blog!

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