Soul Sessions: Leave Your Unfinished Business in 2023 & Start 2024 With A Clean Slate

It’s time to tackle your unfinished business and leave it behind in 2023! What has been limiting you from being happier, freer, and more joyful this year? Clear the debris in your energy field to enter 2024 with a clean slate! 


Tie up loose ends and remove unconscious clutter from your life – what has been on your mental to-do list that is simple to tackle but you’ve been putting off? It will feel good to have off your plate for 2024 and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done.


It’s been a heavy, intense year, but the energy is shifting! The numerology of 2023 was about deep searching, introspection, and enriching ourselves internally. It’s a great time to recognize where you did well & where you struggled this year:


  • Where did you grow? 
  • What opportunities did you have? 
  • Where did you have breakthroughs? 
  • Where were you challenged
  • Where did you struggle?
  • Where did you misbehave? 
  • What are you not letting go of? 
  • Are you ready to heal it? 
  • Are you ready to surrender? 


Prepare yourself for January – it’s going to be a little rocky as we transition from the energy of the 7 in 2023 to the energy of the 8 in 2024, but know that the pain, struggles, and stressors of 2023 have been setting you up for your 2024. It will be a year of seeing the breakthroughs you’ve been wanting to have – a year of seeing things manifest in real time!


Close out 2023 with intention, peace, and with a little bit more love for yourself as you gear up for all the divine opportunities that are stacked up for you in 2024! 




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