September 17th is not only a full moon in Pisces, but also a lunar eclipse AND a supermoon! The full moon is a potent time to align with cosmic energies and work through our karmic lessons. Get the Full Moon Ceremony Guide to create a personalized ceremony to work with the energy of each full moon, and read our Full Moon Blog to learn how to work with the Pisces energy!
Get the guide
Get ready to feel your feelings! This show is dedicated to Amanda’s mother, Lisa – on the one year anniversary of her passing.
On today’s episode, Amanda shares reflections and insights on March, a “2-Universal Month ”, in an “8-Universal Year” – which makes for an emotional combo. The energy is asking that we move through feeling, intuition, & compassion rather than logic. It is also a Master Month with the number 11 which represents the interconnection of the human experience and the divine.
March is a month for practicing patience, pacing yourself, reflecting, and gaining clarity on where you are at this point in your life, what your challenges are, and where your opportunities for growth may be.
This month, continue to ask yourself: What is this teaching me? What am I learning?
Take notice of any and all experiences that trigger you, hurt you, or disrupt your energy and flow. Always remember that the people who ruffle your feathers are your greatest teachers! Moving a little bit slower may yield a higher quality output. As they say, “patience is a virtue!” Hesitate long enough for another solution to be revealed, as it may be exactly what you’ve been searching for.
As she shares personal stories about her mom’s passing, Amanda talks about the portal between the human world and spiritual world, the unconditional human love experienced at the end of life, and how divine love reaches out to carry their soul on its journey.
Remember that we are spiritual beings living the human experience. Look for the divine in your daily life and hold onto it tightly in order to be kinder, more compassionate, more patient, and most importantly, more loving every single day. You will propel further, faster, and farther than you can imagine in the months ahead!
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