Play your cards right, and March is a gamechanger!
8-Universal Month | 5-Universal Year
3 (March) + 5 (2021) = 8
Personal & Universal Enterprise
Readiness | Expectancy | Inspiration
March 2021 is ripe for purposeful activity and personal empowerment. The experience of new levels of freedom through trusting your instincts and flowing with the energies is available to us all. This includes being guided by the fluctuations of personal thoughts and emotions rather than resisting them.
The month will challenge our internal security system.
Put yourSelf out there.
Show ‘em what you’re made of!
Think: Leadership versus Management
The Result: Reciprocal Inspiration
-Readiness to engage in daring or difficult action
-Mirriam Webster
An undertaking emerges, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk
Industrious planning and implementation, primarily when directed toward profit
Mindfully curated formularies fueled by purposeful activity
This is a month for becoming willing to undertake conscientious action and find a rhythm in all the enterprises of life – personally and universally.
Inspire and be inspired.
Create a reciprocal rhythm with action and openness.
Embrace synergy, and experience fulfillment.
A huge lesson in 2020 was, “more is no longer more.”
Don’t spin your wheels.
Do what you love, and love what you do.
Be ready.
Engage wholeheartedly.
Unblock your receptivity.
Let go of insecurities of not having or being enough- scarcity mindsets will breed scarcity. Spacious mindsets breed abundance.
Informed resilience is vital. Get out of your comfort zone and take action steps toward your dreams. Fall down or miss the mark – it’s okay.
Ask: What am I learning from this? | Where can I pivot or shift?
Make the turn.
Get back up.
Keep moving forward.
-Inaction and immobility are killers and fearful illusions/blockages to empowerment and new personal freedoms.
Maximize Your Personal Enterprise
March Numerology Divine Timing Calendar
Get into divine timing all month long.
Photo Credit @singlesswagg
The Peaceful Warrior | The Entrepreneur
March Numerology Energies – 8 Vibes
Risk and reward
The balance of output versus input
Abundance mindsets
Professional / work-related
Desire, passion, and courage
Physical and mental endurance
2021 Undercurrents – Energy of the 5
Pursuit of freedom
Anger / reactionary attitudes
Right place; right time
Potential Blind Spots
Worry, anxiety, or doubt
Fearful attitudes/mindsets
Self-importance, arrogance
Ruthlessness and greed
Stubborn attitudes, intolerance
All roads in these blindspots lead back to “insecurity.” If your internal value system, personal security, and sense of self are unshakable, your confidence in life itself and the richness that abounds will flourish.
I am enough.
There is enough.
We are enough.
The March 8 & 5 energy combination urges us to push our edges with integrity in the pursuit of recognition and freedom. Take action from a place of inspiration, passion, and leadership versus playing small, buying into insecurities. There is enough time, energy, talent, and resources to go around- get out of scarcity mode and into abundance mode.
This is an excellent month to squash jealousy, envy, comparing your insides to someone else’s outsides. Your value is not based on your social media likes and following – everything begins within.
Is your internal-value system fortified with love or fear?
Be mindful of greed, ego-based motivations, and being busy for the sake of being busy. Your time on this Earth, in this body, is invaluable. Live like every moment is your last.
What am I ready for this month? -What has been stirring in my soul and becoming prepared for me to reveal to the outside world?
What do I feel like or act like when my internal value system is stable?
Think about how gymnasts, dancers, equestrians {and many athletic competitors} build a solid core – or abs of steel to protect and serve the integrity of their game.
Do I have a solid core?
Where can I become more flexible and adaptable in my attitude, approach, and schedules while maintaining healthy boundaries and balance?
-This is a massive key to success, resiliency, and abundance this month!
When do I experience a joyful heart, childlike-wonderment, and playfulness? Do more of that!
Where can I heal or replace power-seeking behaviors & motivations with empowerment, letting go of fear-based and scarcity mindsets?
Do I inspire freely or with an expectation of return on investment?
What is management? What is leadership?
How can I Lead with integrity versus managing outcomes and expectations?
Tip: Your thoughts and feelings are an energetic language that is as powerful if not more so than your actions. Think and feel higher, brighter, and more hopeful, and your karmic bank account will grow infinitely and spill over into the cosmos.
You are enough.
There is enough.
We are enough.
Do you worry that someone is going to steal your thunder or out-do you?
Healthy competition is admirable and motivating, but we lose out and project fear and resistance versus flow and abundance when crossing the line into lack and scarcity consciousness.
The Unlimited Potential Download is a 19-minute experience designed to trigger quantum consciousness expansion in the physical and non-physical body. It will alleviate and disseminate low vibrational energies such as worry, doubt, fear, anxiety, anger, and frustration.
This exercise is devoted to activating dormant, intelligent memory in your heart, cells, and DNA, and consciousness, creating an expansion of awareness, enlivening light encoded filaments in the subconscious, harnessing clarity of intuition, and personal empowerment.
If you are brave enough to glimpse and know your infinite light, this download is ideal for you. It can be used upon awakening, retiring or at anytime your intuition calls.