This year builds the foundation for the decade. With the powerful master numerological code of 2020 setting the precedent, whatever you build, will influence the next 10 years. This energy will profoundly alter the course of our lives through fundamental shifts, deleting of outdated operating systems and implementation of highly innovative advancements.
What To Do: Decide what you are building this year. Once you have your vision clear, clean house, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to work! Eye on the prize.
What To Avoid: Analysis paralysis. Distractions and inefficiencies. Forgetting your bigger picture and end-game
2020 Numerology 2020 is a 4 Universal Year in Numerology
2020 = 2+0+2+0 =4
In Numerology, the numbers and their lessons build upon one another. The 3 Universal energy of creativity from 2019 compliments the 4 Universal energy of building solid foundations. You have to have the idea before you can lay the groundwork, right?
2020 is all about foundations, focus, efficient processes, and putting plans in place. The 4-year also promotes neatness and a sense of responsibility. This vibration is primarily masculine which contrasts the feminine flow of 2019.
Stability, consistency, and routine are a means of finding satisfaction, success, and peace. Like it or not, there may be an almost overwhelming sense of urgency to get things organized…
This is a great year for:
Designing something built to last
Getting your finances in order
Cleaning house
Clearing clutter (mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually)
Establishing better and more efficient processes (personally and professionally)
Setting and re-setting healthy boundaries
Determining a clear plan of action and following through
Be mindful of control-freak tendencies. Yes, rigid or staunch views and approaches are the shadow side of 4-energy. If you find yourself using a sharpie marker rather than a pencil, consider where you might be able to lighten up.
Remind yourself that it’s okay to change your mind. Think back to last year (2019) when we were collectively in the energy of the 3 creating, connecting and communicating. The 4 energy is less fluid and tends to get stuck.
Be mindful of obsessive and compulsive behaviors. The energy of the 4 is particularly structured. When things get tense this year, it’s important to invite some fun and playfulness into the day. Be sure to invoke rhythm and balance that helps you find both stability and mobility.
2020 Numerology Pro Tip: Open-mindedness and a willingness to work are key ingredients for a fulfilling year. When things feel too intense, find time for play. Chill out. Let someone off the hook.
2020 Numerology Mantra: When my life isn’t easy, there’s an easier way! I am available for effective solutions and optimal outcomes.
2020 Numerology Journal Prompts:
What does stability feel and look like to me?
When do I feel solid in my thoughts, feelings and actions?
How can I focus my energy this year to accomplish new dreams?
Am I willing to “create” and “communicate” (pulling from 2019’s 3 vibe) healthier boundaries this year? If so, where and how? When do I feel grounded and clear?
2020 Numerology at A Glance
1st Quarter Numerology: Connect with your soul’s light.
January is a 5 Universal Month = Seize opportunities. What to expect: Freedom, adventure, dynamic change. Watch out for unnecessary drama.
February is a 6 Universal Month = Practice healthy self-care. What to expect: Compassion, healing and emotional awareness, safety. Watch out for meddling or a need to “fix.”
March is a 7 Universal Month = Quest for meaning.What to expect: Seeking, diving deep, exploring personal and spiritual truths. Watch out for isolating, detaching or stubborn attitudes.
2nd Quarter Numerology: It’s always darkest before the dawn.
April is an 8 Universal Month = Channel infinity.What to expect: Abundance, balancing the internal with the external, risk and reward. Watch out for highs and lows; the energy will be in continual flux.
May is a 9 Universal Month = Choose the path of integrity. What to expect: Innate wisdom, surrender, humanitarianism and leadership. Watch out for an unnecessary sense of urgency.
June is a 1 Universal Month = Embrace your pioneering spirit.What to expect: New beginnings, individuality, momentum, universal oneness. Watch out for too much independence. Two heads are better than one.
3rd Quarter Numerology: Building your truest reality. *The most potent quarter in numerology for 2020
July is an 11/2 Universal Month. Master Number Month! Root to connect.What to expect from the 2 : Partnership, balance, interdependence.
What to expect from the 11 (Master Number): Psychic awareness, illumination.
Align the human and higher selves. Interconnect your head and your heart. Watch out for people-pleasing.
August is a 3 Universal Month: Practice joy!What to expect: Creativity, communication, charisma and fun. Socialize and play. Watch out for overdoing and overindulging.
September is a 4 Universal Month in a 4 Universal Year. = Mastery.What to expect: Cleaning house, process, efficiency, stability, analysis. The devil is in the details this month! Declutter and minimize distractions.
Watch out for analysis paralysis or anything that overcomplicates and triggers anxiety.
*Pro tip: This is the month to reassess and take practical action in accomplishing your 2020 goals. Boots on the ground! Tap into this master 2020 number code by organizing your day and setting healthy, supportive boundaries.
4th Quarter Numerology: The past repeats itself and predicts the future. Pay attention!
October is a 5 Universal Month = Seize the moment.
What to expect: Freedom, adventure, adaptability, opportunity and travel.
Watch out for boredom and unnecessary drama or chaos.
*Pro tip: This month’s energy is a preview into 2021, which will be a 5 Universal Year. This is also the 2nd time we have experienced a 5 Universal Month (think back to January). Take note of how you respond and what you experience.
November is a 6 Universal Month = Put your oxygen mask on first and breathe.What to expect: Compassion, self-care, nurture, heightened intuition and unconditional love. Emotions run high. Watch out for gossip, nit-picky or overly controlling attitudes/behaviors.
December is a 7 Universal Month = Connect the cosmic dots. What to expect: Seeking, higher-education, soul-searching, truth. This is a highly spiritual month. Watch out for detachment and isolating.
Need an in-hand guide to maximizing your potential?
This Workbook is basically your 2020 abundance almanac.
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