April 2021 – Divine Timing, Tools & Tips

April is a month for intentionally summoning your inner Knight with tact, faith, and integrity.

Pick up a blade of light and healing, and you might surprise yourself with a brilliance you didn’t even know existed within you. 

Check your motives. If your ego is in the driver’s seat more often than not, it may be an excruciating climb. 

Cultivate richness from within, and you’ll see new experiences, ideas, and visions spring forth in living color. 

Photo Credit : @americonno

Photo Credit : @americonno


April 3rd Mercury Enters Aries
Start your mental engines! Decisiveness, quick action, reaction, and fight without flight. 

A rebirth and revitalized mind, swift to the point and not always best on the follow-through. 

Practice patience and reservation. Drop the defensiveness. 

April 14th Venus Enters Taurus

Style, luxury, romantic devotion, sensuality, nurture, and pleasure.

It’s a sexy and passionate time for relationships.

Think: Richness & Value from the inside out – the rest will flow. 

April 19th Sun & Mercury Enter Taurus 
Your vitality is now about sustainability and you’re thinking for the long-game.

Your presence is paramount. Stay grounded and practice patience with yourself & others. 

Deliberation, mental fortitude, and communicating through real-world, reachable & teachable examples. 

Simplify, simplify, simplify!

Watch out for overindulging, materialistic attitudes, procrastination, or defining personal value through the external or labels. Live within your means. 

April 23rd Mars Enters Cancer
Inner strength, fierce protectiveness for those you love, seduction, and provocation. 

Be of service to yourSelf, and then you GET to be of support to others. 

April 27th – October 6th Pluto Retrograde
Introspection. Intensity. Dark nights of the soul. Making friends rather than enemies with your shadow side. 

Remember, your darkness illuminates your light. 

This energy undercurrent will be felt all month as Pluto slows in the sky, stationing to retrograde. 

Pay attention to your shadow side; it holds deep wisdom into healing your freedom and happiness. 


April is for Aries…



April 14th, onward…

Taurus, Taurus, taurus!


April 23rd, onward…

Here come The Emotions!


Image credit @astroccult

Image credit @astroccult

 Aries New Moon

22° | April 11th | 9:31 PM CST

What is your I AM?

“You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream.
You’ve got to get out there and make it happen for yourself.”
-Diana Ross, Sun Sign = Aries

Initiate with a pioneering spirit.

Summon bravery and courage.

Explore edges. 

Respond rather than react.

Aries New Moon Intention

I initiate inspiring attitudes and actions with emboldened motivation,
fearless integrity, and wildly wondrous charisma that promotes greater happiness, hope, joy, and healing in myself and the world at large.

I AM ___________!

Aries Archetypes

The Warrior 

The Pioneering Spirit & Daredevil 

The Individual 

Body Bonus:

In your body, Aries Governs

Head, brain, eyes & skin

Aries Chakras

Root Chakra– I am fiercely grounded in my abilities to inspire and be inspired with no strings attached. I am safe and secure in my mind, body, and spirit. 

Solar Plexus – I am empowered from the inside out and act from a place of light, love, and illumination rather than fear, scarcity, and insecurity. I ask for help and guidance and listen with intention and receptivity. 

Divine Tips

  • Initiate new projects, routines, and lifestyle choices 

  • Define yourSelf today. Embrace your individuality 

  • Take responsibility for your attitudes, actions, and interactions

  • Communicate in integrity and with authenticity

  • New beginnings of any nature

    • Heal, create closure or forgive in order to initiate with honorable energy

  • Play games and have fun! 

Potential Blind Spots

  • Be mindful of stopping and starting

  • Ask for help or collaboration  – you’re not alone. Two heads are better than 1.

  • Self-centered, bossy, defensive attitudes and behaviors

  • Overly competitive motivations 

  • Impatience 

Soulful Aries New Moon Inquiries

What projects, ideas, and innovations are arising for initiation this month and the months ahead?

Who can assist or help you in bringing your visions to life?
Communicate with them
Ask for guidance and accountability.
Two heads are better than one. 
Express gratitude. 

Can you commit to following through with your passions and pursuits?
If you change your mind down the road, that’s totally okay; just communicate the adjustments with integrity to yourself and all parties involved.

Who are you? How do you stand out in your individuality today?
Recognize those characteristics and yourself! 

How will you practice patience, trust, balance, and steadiness this month?

Opportunities for balance:
Good sleep.
Engaging in quality time with friends and family. 
Staying hydrated!

Divine Tool: Red Tiger’s Eye

This stone summons inner strength and forges clarity of purpose! Its empoweringly profound capability to take unconscious ego-based motivations {fear, anger, inadequacy, to name a few} and transmute them into higher vibrational, conscious energies and action is stunning, to say the least. 

If you’re ready for healing pain and not afraid of inner growth and change, the red tiger’s eye is your ally.  

As an aside, this stone is sometimes called the “Dragon’s Stone.” Think of how the dragon conjures images of fire, fury, and enormous power. That said, dragon medicine is ancient throughout many cultures through wisdom, deepest alchemy, summoning hidden knowledge within, and soaring to greater heights. 

The mission: Stoke an internal fire through the eyes of loving courage, illumination, and soaring to and through visionary expression. 

Red Tiger's Eye Motivation Practice.png

Red Tiger’s Eye Motivation Practice

Image Credit - “Neon Summer 2019” by DiztantDreamer

Image Credit – “Neon Summer 2019” by DiztantDreamer

Scorpio Full Moon
7° | April 26th | 10:31 PM CST

Are you sending out energetic signals of fear or faith?  

Shine a torch of illumination into your dark, heavy places rather than the restrictiveness of fears consuming your brilliant capacity for light and expansion. 

Honestly investigate your deepest and darkest emotions.

Create alignment between feeling and action. 

Let all your stuff rise to the surface without shame or blame.

Hold space for your mood swings.


Heal suspicious mind games. 

This is The Full Moon to face whatever darkness is lurking with honesty. 


 Scorpio Full Moon Intention:
I willingly and earnestly face my dark, hidden places with love, empowerment, and a willingness to know that my courageous self-exploration can unblock an abundance of miracles. 

Scorpio Archetypes

The Detective & Seeker of Truth

The Alchemist

The Illusionist 


Body Bonus:

In your body, Scorpio governs:

Elimination, filtration, and sexual organs


Scorpio Chakras

Sacral Chakra  – I healthfully and wholly detoxify physical, mental, emotional, and energetic toxins with willingness and ease. I believe in my ability to heal fear and open myself with safe vulnerability to my innately mystical and creative abilities for a higher love. 

Divine Tips

  • Become willing to face your pain without shame

    • Write it out or share it with a trusted, safe confidant or spiritual advisor

  • Break down walls rather than building them up – practice trust with self & others

  • Interconnect your thoughts with your emotions

  • Use your spiritual and metaphysical tool-kit

  • Detox & heal

    • Mentally | Physically | Spiritually | Emotionally

  • Own your part and role in dysfunctional environments and behaviors

    • Become willing to clean up your side of the street

  • Make financial amends – clean up debts or be open to doing so

Potential Blind Spots

  • Harboring jealousy and envy

  • Seeking revenge or “I’ll show you” attitudes & behaviors

  • Secrecy and manipulative tactics 

  • Power struggles 

  • Mistrust and suspicion

Tip: Any feelings of betrayal, distrust, envy, or angst are blockages to your personal freedom, power, and happiness. These energies also reverberate out into your environment and the world at large. This Full Moon, while it can feel heavy, it is the opportunity to flush out the pain, clean the wounds properly.

Soulful Scorpio Full Moon Healing Inquiries

 What insecurities, doubts, resentments are you harboring?
Are you willing to practice healing in these areas or turning them over to your Higher Power for relief and release?

-Asking for help and guidance from a trusted council is ideal here.

What shame or blame are you feeling and experiencing (if any at all)?
Are you ready to communicate it to yourself and your Higher Power? 

Do you listen to both your thoughts and your feelings when seeking clarity and direction?

Identify any creative or sexual blockages.
Name them rather than shaming them!

Is there any mistrust, dishonesty, or secrecy that needs acknowledging?

Who do you feel safe and vulnerable with?
Tell them, and express your gratitude for the space they hold for you.
Do you hold the same space for them or others? 

Divine Tip: This is the Full Moon for practicing rigorous honesty with yourself and your higher power first. Clarity around any fearful energies is the beginning of opportunities for healing and growth.

Divine Tool: Clear Quartz

The great equalizer and stone of the Knight! Clear quartz is a multifaceted stone. Its ability to both magnify and purify is unparalleled to any other crystal. It will reveal what needs healing, personify it (watch out) and help you clear it once you dare to face your pain. 

This stone always enhances and clears whatever crystals next to it. So, wearing it with the suggested Red Tiger’s Eye can be an alchemizing agent this month to insight some aggravation and soothe it with its savvy of enlightenment.

With transformation comes discomfort. Embrace every moment of it without blame or shame, and you’ll find hidden gems of dormant potential unleashed and activated within your cells, DNA, and soul’s infinite potential. 

Closing thoughts

This month will be intense.
Prepare yourself and don’t back down.

Feel everything.

Be present to your presence and reclaim whatever has been wounded or burdened so you can identify a light that you know exists within.

Your personal freedom is up for grabs. 

If you dare to be The Knight and heal, your light will shine out into the world with the unprecedented power of love. 

May 2021 Divine Timing Preview

May will be another month of shifts, plot twists, settling into new ways of being, feeling, and receiving.

Live intentionally in April, and you’ll set yourself up for whatever comes your way with greater self-confidence, security, and faith in May. 

May Calendar Highlights 

Mercury Enters Gemini

North Node Sextile Chiron

Venus Enters Gemini

New Moon In Taurus

Jupiter Enters Pisces

Sun Enters Gemini

Saturn Retrograde

Sagittarius Full Moon TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini