On May 7th, Amanda will host a magical night celebrating the new moon with live psychic readings, a guided meditation, and real-time Q&A in Austin, TX!

Join Amanda LIVE for an evening of divine connection, inspiration, and healing!

Learn more

August 2021 Divine Timing, Tools & Tips

Support in consciously navigating & harnessing August 2021.

Buckle up!


I AM open to acknowledging, processing and healing any limitations creating burden, stress or restriction in my life. 

I stand firmly in the belief of my unprecedented ability to harness my skill-sets in building a stable foundation,
sustainably supporting security, well-being and personal freedom in all aspects of my life today and each day. 

I am present for My Journey. 

August Theme


What personal inheritance are you willing to recognize, detach from and potentially remove for greater alignment and relevance with your Highest Good and that of humanity?

  • Literal

  • Ancestral

  • Psychological

  • Behavioral


The August astrology encourages us to clarify what isn’t working or what we’ve accumulated that’s overwhelming or outdated. This month will mobilize us in analyzing, plodding, and taking action (lots of Mercury & Saturn energy). 

If present and attentive, we will become aware of key elements in our personal routines, attitudes, interactions, and landscapes (internal & external) that need adjusting for greater personal freedom combined with sustainability.

The energy can disrupt and reformulate our routines & foundations for optimal, short and long-range freedom and sustainability.

Get ready for some rumblings…!


The August Video, Part 1 explores Numerology and Astrology from the end of July through mid-August.

*Date and time stamps are included in the description if you want to refer back or skip ahead.


Astro + Numero
Play-By-Play | Part 1

August Numerology {0:00 – 16:45}

Aug 1st 
Sun conjunction Mercury    {16:45 – 18:50}

Aug 2nd
Sun opposite Saturn {18:59 – 25:31}
Mercury opposite Saturn

Aug 3rd
Venus trine Uranus {25:32 – 29:45}

Aug 4th
Mercury square Uranus {29:46 – 34:50}

Aug 6th
Sun square Uranus {34:51 – 40:50}

Aug 8th
New Moon 16° Leo @ 8:50 AM CST {40:51 – 46:10}

Aug 10th
Venus opposite Neptune {46:11 – 58:10}
Mars square North Node 

Aug 11th
Mercury opposite Jupiter {58:11 – 1:04:25}

More to come in Part 2! Stay tuned… Don’t miss out. 

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4-Universal Month | 5-Universal Year
8 (August) + 5 (2021) = 13    1+3=4

The combination of the 4 + 5 energy is paradoxical yet poignant. The 4 helps us clean house so we can stand firmly in our direction, vision, truth, and sense of self – ultimately finding security from the inside out, while the 5 says, “what’s on the horizon, where am I going, and am I hopeful and brave enough to explore uncharted territories.

Big Value for August =  House Cleaning 

Clean House (literal and metaphorical) of anything that is no longer sustainable in your life today and in the months ahead. 

Tip: Start with your day-to-day health routine and habits or reorganizing your home environment.  

  • Physical – clean out a closet, under the bathroom sink; have a garage sale

  • Mental – get present; when you find your thoughts dithering in past experiences (like regret) or tripping into future probabilities (like worry), see if you can pause, take a deep breath, and get present to what’s in front of you in the now. 

    • Mental empowerment is in the present!

  • Emotional – pick one “resentment” that’s been nagging and see if you can reconcile to heal, process it willingly, forgive, ask God/Your Higher Self for help or just bravely choose to let it go!

  • Spiritual – Ask your Higher Self & Higher Power for help, guidance, and the clarity to move forward in eliminating anything no longer serving your soul’s light and evolution. 


  • Am I willing to practice greater patience and compassion this month? 

  • What are one or two realistic and practical goals for my month?

    • Who can hold me accountable?

    • Can I compliment or reward myself if/when achieved?

    • Can I let up on myself if I don’t meet or reach these goals?

  • Can I incorporate some internal honesty with myself this month? – be honest with what is limiting you (behaviors, attitudes, experiences, relationships, etc). 

    • No judgment; just get clear and present!

    • Become willing to objectively and realistically address or attempt to strategize around addressing the limitations. 

Hint: When you address one area of instability and clean your side of the street, feel and embody the satisfaction of a job well done. That energy will boldly begin to inform other areas of your life seemingly unrelated… 

Reminder: Ask for some help from a trusted advisor, friend, therapist, or most importantly, your Higher Self / Higher Power. 


  • Perfectionism and judgment

  • Compartmentalization

  • Controlling behaviors

  • Dogmatic or overly-cautious attitudes and perspectives

Hint: Economize your actions by conserving your output. Leverage your passion.



 This empowering stone summons leadership from the soul.
Its energizing properties activate joyful attitudes, actions, and interactions
while creating an energy of abundance and originality. 

Sunstone revitalizes the mind, body, and spirit and will optimize your clarity, time management, and engagement. 

It supports:

Cellular rejuvenation

Energy & vitality

Joy, prosperity, and delight

Opportunity, luck, and prosperity

Alleviation of stress, fears, and anger/frustration 


2nd Half of August

Video Coming August 11th!

Aug 16th
Venus enters Libra

Aug 19th
Mercury conjunct Mars
Uranus Retrograde | through January 1st, 2022
Sun opposite Jupiter

Aug 20th
Mercury trine Uranus

Aug 22nd
Sun enters Virgo
Full Moon 29° Aquarius @ 7:02 AM CST
Jupiter conjunct the Full Moon

Aug 23rd
Venus trine Saturn

Aug 25th
Mercury opposite Neptune

Aug 26th
Mercury trine Pluto


8th of August | 16° | 8:50 AM CST

A cycle of revitalization through leadership, creativity, heart-centered action, meaningful connections and generosity begins. 

Passions surface: romantic, courageous, determined, nostalgic, bossy, and prideful. 

Be mindful of manipulative behaviors, neediness disguised with pride, or dismissiveness.

Examples: “We never get to spend time together.”

“Oh it’s not a big deal {while it really “feels” internally like a big deal}

Be straightforward with your feelings. Ask for what your mind and heart crave. 

Honest communication & healthy vulnerability go a long way.

“I miss seeing you. Let’s coordinate a time to get together.”

Making an effort with those you hold dear goes a long way; HOWEVER, practice this intentionally without attachment to outcomes or placing unreasonable expectations on them; life is busy & schedules are hard to coordinate. This energy tends to place high expectations and then create resentments when people aren’t able to follow through the way we think they should or expect them to. 

Focus New Moon Intentions Around:

  • Personal leadership, courage, and trusting yourSelf

  • Passion, playfulness, and revitalization 

  • Communicating affections for those you hold dear, loyalty 

  • Unconditional generosity and gratitude/appreciation 

Recognize Restrictive Qualities For Awareness, Change & Healing:

  • Neediness/victimization (without admitting you feel something is unfair – dishonesty with self) 

  • Attention-seeking or self-centered behaviors

  • Inability to experience gratitude or feel valued or worthy / enough

New Moon Intention

I am generous in my unconditional heart and kindness and trust the universe to
respond abundantly with value, quality connections, and joyful interactions. 


22nd of August | 29° |  7:02 AM CST

 This is the 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius. In July the FM was @ 1°. This FM occurs at 29° – the last degree of a sign is about mastery, trials, and test of the sign, in which it falls in.  

This Full Moon phase is a time of re-reflecting (no, that’s not a word) on your future plans, ideals ways of thinking, and your personal operating systems throughout the end of the year.

What actions/attitudes are no longer relevant? 

Who/what environments feel like a dead weight rather than a support or value? 

Hint: It’s not about blowing people off or burning bridges; more so about becoming aware of what/who isn’t supporting your growth) 

How can your interactions and relationships shift more easily, organically, and effectively harness your personal and soul mission at this time?

When do you feel trapped or backed into a corner?
When do you feel free?

Think: How can I creatively shift your beliefs, actions, communications, and mindsets for greater freedom and expressing my unique Self? 

Tap into your inner genius and insights coming your way from the collective consciousness through synchronicity, interactions, or downloads of information. 

Focus Full Moon Intentions Around:

  • Connecting with inspiring friends and associations 

    • Becoming aware of outgrown endeavors and resources

  • Innovation and opening up to your infinite human + spiritual potential

  • Expanded consciousness 

  • Healthy skepticism around what’s no longer effective to make room for innovation

  • Getting in touch with your quirks and uniqueness AND expressing them! 

  • Finding completion with any area of life to gain liberation and freedom


Restrictive Qualities For Awareness, Change & Healing:

  • Feeling overwhelmed or entrapped – 

    • get honest with the feeling; breathe through it 

  • Detached, indignant, or self-righteous attitudes

  • Isolation or fear of being misunderstood 

    • As a result, refraining from communicating your genius ideas/insights and ideologies with supporting/safe friends, associations or affiliations 

  • Inconsistency or lacking accountability or communication when your plans or mind change

    • Use your voice and hold yourSelf accountable



I am honest in who I am and willing to expand my consciousness for greater innovation,
freedom and making a lasting contribution to my soul and humanity. 


 August CLOSING & Parting Sentiments

This month will shake us up, down, left, and right to help us sift through anything we are
clinging onto that limits our dynamic spirits, joy, empowerment, and happiness. 

  • Any discomfort is a hint as to what’s requesting an alteration. 

  • Any joy is a nod to what’s harnessing greater love, light, and evolution.

Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground and your heart pointed towards the heavens.
We’re in a growth spurt like never before. 

With endurance, evolution, love & brilliance,

*Note: Soul Pathology Sessions with Amanda are booked out into December 2021 and January 2022!



If you usually schedule an end-of-year or new year session, we recommend getting on the calendar soon.

Thank you for all the light, growth, and evolution you bring onto this planet.