Soul Sessions: Navigating the Energy of 2024: A Year of Transformation, Manifestation, and Karmic Payout

As we transition from 2023 to 2024 there is a massive energy shift and while the energy is settling it can feel a little unsettling so go easy on yourself. January is a 9 month in numerology which signals a month of completion, integrity and surrender. 

On the 27th, all the planets will be stationed direct, so February may feel more like the start of the year to you! Don’t put any pressure on new goals & habits until it feels organic to you. 

Continue to wrap up any unfinished business this month- take accountability and action to clear your head and heart as we enter an 8 numerological year in 2024! 

The 8 represents the infinity symbol – there will be constant, fluid motion throughout the year as you strap into the roller coaster and ride the waves. In 2024 you will see transformation in real-time, day to day interactions. 

This year will be a year of gaining clarity –  when you are inspired vs when you don’t have it in you; when you feel empowered vs disempowered. You have the ability to manifest in the year of the 8, a year that asks us to make things happen. It is a year of karmic debt payout so the quicker you look at challenges as an opportunity to heal and actively face them, the more resilient you will become and the quicker the healing will occur.

Homework for the Month: What word or two resonates as your theme for the year? What feels aligned with your growth and evolutionary aim? Write it down on a piece of paper that you won’t see every day but you may happen to stumble across occasionally to see how the word manifests as the year goes on. . 

Amanda shares her 3 takeaways for the year ahead: 

  • No doubt 
  • Jump off the diving board 
  • Don’t play hookey 


Amanda’s crystal recommendation for 2024 is Malachite, a stone to help cleanse and clear your energy, aid in grounding, manifesting and finding clarity in your intuitive and psychic abilities.  

Sign up for Amanda’s newsletter at to get notified when her 2024 Numerology Guidebook drops next week! Amanda shares an overview of the month, spiritual energies, intentions, journal prompts to give you a great roadmap and play by play of things to look forward to for each month to help you navigate through this year. 

Don’t forget: be easy on yourself and others, let things be organic, and just ride the waves and let it flow!

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