October 2020 – Numerology – Seize the Moment

October is a 5-Universal Month – Seize the moment.

What to expect: Freedom, adventure, adaptability, opportunity, and travel. Watch out for boredom and unnecessary drama or chaos.

Pro Tip: This month’s energy is a preview into 2021, which will be a 5 Universal Year. This is also the 2nd time we have experienced a 5 Universal Month (think back to January). Take note of how you respond and what you experience.

October is a 5-Universal Month in a 4-Universal Year

10 (October) + 4 (2020) = 14

Reduce the 14: 1 + 4 = 5

“5” Numerology Themes: Seize the moment.

  • Freedom

  • Adventure and travel

  • Adaptability

  • Opportunity

  • Be mindful of boredom and unnecessary drama.

This is a month where you can have some breakthroughs and opportunities if you channel the optimism, dynamic spirit, and adventurous energy of the 5 to your advantage. Travel. Take a weekend trip or “create” little adventures in your day.

Avoid gossip, chaos, or stirring the pot. Ultimately, you are seeking freedom this month. Ask yourself, what do I want to be free from? Distractions and inconsistency may be on the rise. Unprocessed emotions may surface. Learn to be okay in the highs, lows, stillness, and adventure – trusting that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

The 4-energy offers stability in an otherwise unstable 5-energy. Tap into this number code by defining and experiencing your personal freedom while setting healthy boundaries where they may have been blurry or non-existent before. See if you can funnel your energy (the 5) in the direction of your 2020 personal goals (the 4).

2021 Numerology Alert: This month’s energy is a preview into 2021, which will be a 5-Universal Year! This is also the 2nd time we have experienced a 5-Universal Month (think back to January). Take note of how you respond and what you experience in October.


When answering the following questions, reflect back to January, which was also a 5-month. Reflect upon what has changed. What has remained the same?

~I am free from ___________________ in the remainder of 2020. (fill in the blank with behaviors, attitudes and routines/actions that limit your personal freedom)

~I am free to ______________________ in the remainder of 2020 (fill in the blank with behaviors/attitudes that create more freedom in your life)

~Am I able to channel my dynamic energy into something creative and productive? What is that “something”?

~Have my desires and dreams shifted since January of this year? If so, what do I believe I can manifest from the shifts this month and for the remainder of 2020?

~An October 2020 numerology excerpt from the 2020 Wise Skies Workbook by Amanda Rieger Green & Tiffany Harelik