October 2020 – Divine Timing, Tools & Tips

awaken & Level-UP your mind + body + soul.

I’ve got a killer crystal combo for mental clarity and passion this month.


Crystal Retrograde Rescue: These two crystals will help diffuse the Mercury + Mars retrograde combo of mental fog and physical depletion, getting you to the finish line mid-November.

Fluorite is my go-to stone for mental clarity with a side of heart. It is the discernment stone, {heart, head + soul} supporting focus and mental agility while simultaneously easing anxiety, worry and frustration.

A total power player, right?

This stone comes in a variety of luminously translucent hues including green, clear, purple and yellow which help it to interconnect a buffet of energies with the body including the solar plexus, heart, third eye and crown chakras. It will infuse harmony and ease into intense situations.

Fluorite is a fantastic Mercury retrograde stone, supporting ease and efficiency while the cosmic trickster stirs sh*! up.

If you don’t have this stone in your collection or are new to crystals, this is ideal for overall well-being and flow. What I love about it, is that it facilitates accomplishment without the hustle, over-exertion or aggression.

Tip: I recommend getting this stone in a small pyramid or crystal point/wand and keeping it on or near your desk {wherever you do work or require focus}. It will balance the energy in the space and support overall functionality.

Fluorite Pyramid & Wand

Fluorite Bracelet 4mm

Fluorite Bracelet 6mm

Serpentine is a sexy and sensual stone that elicits passion, desire and awakens kundalini energies. It absorbs powerful life-force frequencies from inner Earth and then transmutes stagnant, blocked energy in the body into prana {life force}. Come on baby, light my fire!

If you’ve been drained, especially with the long Mars retrograde in Aries {ends mid-November} this will not only sustain you, it will regenerate some of the inner frustration or stagnation build-up in your body, mind and spirit.

Not feeling creative or motivated? Serpentine is a power-player for seduction and sensuality – it rejuvenates and heals blockages in the root, sacral, solar plexus and heart Chakras to help reconnect and revitalize these energy-centers and the associated physical body parts. It’s a wonderful stone for healing.

Tip: I recommend wearing this as a crystal bracelet on the left wrist for a month (starting on a new moon is ideal, but not necessary) and then switching it to the right wrist for another month. The left writs will integrate the energies into the body, stimulating the blockages/stagnation and the right will defuse and detox heavy vibes and toxins.

Serpentine is also a sultry crystal to put next to your bed or under your pillow (wink, wink). Just sayin’

Loose Serpentine Crystals

Agate Serpentine Bracelet 4mm

African Serpentine Bracelet 6mm

Told y’all this was a killer crystal combo!

~An auspicious 3 Moon Month


October begins and ends with Full Moon energy. This can feel a bit like a 6 month eclipse cycle packed into 31 days. It’s super-intense with lots of hurry up, pause, pivot and redirect vibes happenin’.

Notice what’s up for review and then get ready to put it through an extra spin cycle before things come clean.

Tip: You may change your mind multiple times before the month is out. Hold off on any major decisions or launches if possible. Mid-November will likely feel more direct and substantiated {well, apart from the United States election…}

October 1st Full Moon in 9° of Aries

Ignite your insight

The Full Moon in fiery Aries {the sign of The Individual} opposes the Sun in airy Libra {the sign of Partnerships}, igniting extra energy, passion, insight and drive right out of the gates in October. Simmer down friends…

Notice where your patience is tested.

This moon can insight a ‘jumping to conclusions’ vibe. You might lose perspective through heightened emotions, frustration, fear, insecurity or any ego-based attitudes + actions.


Can you become willing to respond to these insights rather than fly off the handle or jump to conclusions?

Flip the script and harness this Full Moon as a teacher illuminating hidden potential. Once you see where your fuse is ignited, practice a bit of hesitation and reflection. Then, tweak your aim and combine your passion with intention and the results can be astounding.

Crystal Rescue: The suggested fluorite and serpentine crystals are ideal for harnessing this moon’s energies into lightning-bolt potential}


The Warrior

The Pioneer

The Survivor

Soulful Inquiries

  • Where am I reactive rather than responsive?

  • Am I willing to see & incorporate other points of view?

  • Do I ask for help/guidance when I feel stuck or frustrated?

  • How do I stand up for mySelf and not against someone else?


Where have you been lacking courage? {You know where – what comes to mind first that you’ve been afraid to admit?} See if you can summon the clarity and integrity to take healthy, deliberate action.

Libra Antidote: Ask for some advice or feedback before putting your plan into play.

Tip: While this Moon can charge us up with immediacy, it’s sometimes best to wait a couple of days before putting any conceptions and insights into play. Think cross country rather than sprints.

Know Your Blind Spots

  • Fighting/arguing for the sake of fighting

  • Becoming a stress or drama magnet

Insider Track {My personal moon antidotes}

During this Moon, I plan to assess where my internal maturation and shifted desires may not be adequately reflected through my actions and identity. I’ll review stubborn behaviors or outdated attitudes that may be limiting my light.

  • What attitudes/judgments keep me playing small or from initiating my passions?

  • Where have I matured?

  • Am I confidently reflecting this in my actions/identity?

  • Where am I lacking courage?

  • Am I willing to ask for guidance / suggestions here?

October 16th New Moon in 23° of Libra

Let’s be lovers not fighters


The Libra New Moon energy supports rebalancing energy, time, attention, and intention with greater ease. Not everything has to be an uphill climb. So often it feels like we have to ‘earn’ and relentlessly ‘strive’ in order to experience fulfillment, love or worth.

If there’s anything I’ve fully integrated this year, it’s that more is no longer more. This is the new moon to initiate a pause, rebalance and economization of energy.

Where can you ease up a bit and sprinkle in a little serenity with your hustle? Dream outside the box – believe that there may be simpler solutions with more abundant results.

Libra is the sign of partnership and relationships. It encourages us to see self in the other, assess all sides of situations, respond fairly, and potentially, at its highest expression, experience inner peace, love and beauty.


The Artist

The Peacemaker

The Lover

Soulful Inquiries

  • What in my life feels out of balance?

  • Where have I been stubborn or indignant?

    • Is there an alternate solution or perspective?

  • Are there areas/relationships where I am willing to practice acceptance?

  • What within me is being called into the service of love and kindness?

    • Can I prioritize that this month?


This Moon supports beautifying something in your life. Maybe you treat yourself to a new beauty or wellness product/service, buy yourself flowers, a new outfit, or gift someone with something that will add a touch of love + style to their day.

Know Your Blind Spots

  • Acquiescing for the sake of not rocking the boat

  • Indecision

  • People-pleasing and hypocrisy

Insider Track {my personal moon antidotes}

Not only is this my birthday New Moon, I was born at the exact conjunction of a Libra Sun & Moon. So, this is an energy that I’ll be integrating an entire lifetime.

This year, I’m paying attention to how/where I have shifted over the past year in relationships, partnerships and collaborations for greater reciprocity, more love, honesty and security.

  • Am I willing to practice honesty and integrity in my communications with others, even when I’m uncomfortable?

  • Which partnerships, friendships and relationships have been my greatest teachers this year?

    • What have they taught me?

    • Am I willing to express my gratitude?

October 31st Full Moon in 8° of Taurus

“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” -J.P. Morgan


We start October with a Full Moon and close the month with another Full Moon on Halloween. Spooky!

The Full Moon in Taurus {the sign of sustainability} opposes the Sun in Scorpio {the sign of transmutation}, encourages us to get unstuck, or at least notice where our energies, attitudes and behaviors have become stagnant.

Taurus is the money sign, and the 8° evokes $$ + manifestation in numerology. Practice some magic and convert energy to currency this Full Moon.

This Full Moon is ideal for letting go of dead financial weight, overspending, or limiting beliefs / financial fear. Take some time to assess your finances, money mind-set and values (both internal and external). A little focus and intention in this energy can set you up for sustainable results.

Crystal Rescue: I love using both fluorite (sharp mental focus} and serpentine during this moon. It’s a smart money combo!


The Provider

The Sensualist

The Earth Spirit

Soulful Inquiries

  • What stubborn or stagnant attitudes/energies am I willing to reassess?

  • Where/how do I limit my prosperity?

  • Are there areas where I have prioritized security over passion?

    • Can awareness, adjustments create more joy, happiness or abundance?


Tell on yourSelf and reclaim your power. Identify one limiting belief around finances that devalues your self-worth. Share this with a confidant and deconstruct it’s influence. Allow the universe to take your rigorous honesty and transmute it into something prosperous.

Know Your Blind Spots

  • Materialism or hyper-focus on money/possessions and false gods

  • Risk-adverse behaviors / attitudes limiting creativity and abundance

Insider Track {My personal moon antidotes}

I have something called an “interception” along the Taurus – Scorpio line in my natal astrology and thus, the energies of these archetypes may not be fully expressed.

During this Moon, I am focusing on opportunities to graciously express my gratitude for personal growth and healing around financial insecurities (real and imagined) and mistrust (real and imagined).

My Intention: I honestly and compassionately share my experiences of self-doubt, mistrust, dishonesty, insecurity and shame with mySelf and those around me.

  • What charitable donations feel aligned with my financial growth and gratitude?

  • What deeply rooted fears, addictions and resentments hinder my ability to experience greater sustainability, serenity and comfort?