Activate | Elevate | Alchemize
Together We Are Infinite

The Conscious Collective

by soul pathology

July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024

Calling seekers who are ready to dive deep, expand, build spiritual community and put your innate gifts into action!

The Soul Pathology Conscious Collective exclusive 6-Month Community Mentorship Program is a sacred space where souls unite to discover their true essence and elevate their consciousness (individually and collectively) for an enlightened and enlivened mind, body, spirit lifestyle. 

sign me up!

Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace, wisdom, and spiritual awakening? 

Ask yourself this...

Are you wanting to better understand your intuition and access it more organically in your daily life?

Are you a spiritual seeker, lit on fire when you explore all things metaphysical? 

Do you want to dive deeper and gain clarity but are seeking clear direction, answers, and guidance?

Are you craving like-minded seekers to discuss your spiritual awakening, aha moments, and a rich space to share your experiences?

Are you into your astrology, numerology, oracle cards, crystals, consciousness and all things metaphysical and wanting to understand how to practically and intuitively put your curious discoveries to everyday use?

Have you done therapy, inner-healing and soul-searching and are deeply called to make sense of your expanding life purpose and evolving journey?

Are you hungry for a spiritual community and soul tribe?

Are you wanting a mind, body, spirit mentor to answer your burning questions and guide you in connecting the cosmic dots? 

I need this!

If you answered yes to the questions above, The Conscious Collective by Soul Pathology is where you’ll find this and infinitely more!

It’s said that you are the consciousness of the 5 people you most surround yourself with.

Ponder that for a moment...

Now ask yourself:

Do you have a solid spiritual and growth-oriented community who you can find wisdom, upliftment, healing, resonance and comfort with? 

If The Conscious Collective is a wise fit for you, together we will lift each other up higher and brighter. We will fortify our intuitive and extrasensory abilities, strengthen our truest voices, solidify deeper faith and accelerate 5D consciousness.  

I cannot wait to go deep, wide, high, low and sideways with this crew! Let’s alchemize our lives and impact the frequency of humanity. 

and know this:

You have Questions, We Have Answers

When is the conscious collective happening?

The Conscious Collective is a 6-month program starting July 1st, 2024 and ending December 31st, 2024.

What does the conscious collective entail?

  • 2 Monthly 90 minute Group Calls that include lessons, Q&A, personal and community guidance and shared experiential learning (the initial and final group calls are 2 hours)
  • 1 Monthly Energy Forecast delivered on the 1st of each month with astrology (including new & full moon details), numerology, intuitive guidance, practices, focus areas and homework
  • 2 Monthly Practices (various practices specifically designed to accelerate the individual and group potential)
  • Private Community Discussion Platform for sharing, learning, connecting and collaborative acceleration
  • Amanda as your personal & collective spiritual mentor, sounding board, and guide!

See the schedule

What is the investment for the conscious collective?

The investment is $4400.
This can be paid in one of two ways:
  • One-time, upfront payment in full 
  • Split into four payments of $1100 (one upfront, then 3 more payments every 6 weeks)

This is a dedicated 6-month intensive for the person who wants to understand their innate gifts and put them to practical use while feeling greater, sustainable fulfillment, freedom, peace, happiness and overall well being. 

Life can be challenging, but when you have an accessible toolkit, know how to use the tools & resources in it, and have a community to support you, it’s pretty remarkable how the most challenging of life’s circumstances become heart-opening, mind-blowing, faith-expanding adventures…

Still have questions or want to ensure this is the spiritual mentorship community for you? Great! 

Learn more and hear personally from Amanda Rieger Green, MPH about this opportunity! 

Learn more