2019 Energy Overview, Tools, & Intentions to Generate Maximum Abundance




2019 Soul Pathology Intention

Creativity comes to me naturally, and I trust the divine intelligence of the universe to cultivate and guide the evolution of My Soul, each and every day of this precious life. 

Can you feel the shifts? 

2019 is sooo not 2018! Thus far, we have had a tremendous amount of regenerative momentum, encouraging us to clarify our Soul Urges for 2019. This may be showing up for you in the form of anxiety, frustration, impatience or worry. It’s all good. It just means your physical body is heeding the universal call and grabbing your attention to integrate new frequencies. Pause. Take time to process & respond. 

2019 is a 3 year in Numerology which fosters creativity, communication + an contagious charisma. The astrology has gifted us with a green light because all planets are moving direct until early March. Use that extra oomph to pave a solid path ahead.

This is an ideal time for getting clear on whatever it is that you are co-conspiring with your Higher Self and your Higher Power to embody and ignite this year. 

For me, I have mad respect for the intensity and immensity of 2018 (an 11 universal year). It challenged me to take some personal + professional risks that kicked things up a notch. I’m grateful to 2018, carrying the lessons and evolution forward as I choose to trust the Universe in orchestrating abundance, growth and a very outside of the box year! 

Tips for 2019:
Simplify. Play. Love.
Find “your” creative voice. Communicate it!
Get clear on the vibes  you are sending to the universe.
Find value internally.
Give it away. Be of service. 
Thought-Provoking Questions:

What is stirring in the depths of your Soul for the year?
Amanda: Truly tapping into my Cancer Rising…

If you had to communicate 1 passionate desire to inspire your year ahead, what would it be?
Amanda: Creative Playfulness!

What is 1 limiting belief that you were willing to kiss goodbye in 2018?
Amanda:  Fear of being criticized.

Where do you experience gratitude?
Amanda: Working with my clients.
Your innate wisdom & gifts blow me away and continually empower my Soul Self.




Are you looking for more clarity, abundance and alignment with your higher self? If you answered yes, then it’s probably time for a Soul Pathology Session!


High Vibes,